Oh boy, it’s been a week. Sorry for not blogging earlier, but here’s the thing – between bad travelling weather, the need to make up lost hours at work, and the Thanksgiving holiday, I’ve not had a lot of time to write. So when I did write, I worked on my current manuscript instead of blogging.
I suppose the prioritizing of creative time is an issue for everyone. I love the idea of the professional writer who sits in his quiet cabin and just writes, trusting that his or her efforts will ultimately pay the bills. I’m not there yet. I assume most writers are not. So, in this Thanksgiving week, let me just say I am thankful to have a day job.
Oddly, I get appear to get more done when there are more demands on my time. I did a lot less writing when I was unemployed. Now I find myself thinking ahead about when I can get this or that done, while still allowing time to eat, sleep, and spend quality time with my wife and friends.
So when I know I have time to work on my manuscript, I do.
Do I have my priorities straight? Possibly not if the goal is to become a truly pro writer. But I am happy and relatively sane.
And I’m still writing.